Tuesday, April 8, 2008

GemaV's progress on the Prom Dresses

GemaV shows southbeachannie how her couture Prom Dresses are shaping up...the big day is approaching!

Friday, April 4, 2008

Happy 80th Birthday to Maya Angelou!

Maya Angelou is definitely a "brava de la pelicula!"

How wonderful it has been to experience such an

amazing person in our midst!  Maya Angelou

embodies grace, charm, intelligence, integrity,

courage and above all compassion.  One of the

most amazing days of my life was when I sat to

hear her speak in a lecture hall.


Thank you for your words, your presence

and undying will to change into

something better!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

GemaV Designs Prom Dresses...

It is that time of the year again when young girls gather their parents and demand a prom dress that has to be perfect! Miami based fashion designer, GemaV shares her two prom dresses in progress for two very lucky girls:

More on GemaV and the fitting coming soon!!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Something Truly Inspiring About Our Consciousness!

I have been reading, listening and learning new thought via the teachings of Eckhart Tolle and Unity Church for the last four years.  It is wonderfully refreshing to see the adoption of these beliefs spread as I study them through public figures like Oprah and her "world classroom" with Eckhart Tolle covering A New Earth and the following encounter of a neuroscientist "living in the present" while experiencing a stroke:

Truly Amazing!

What we Perceive!

I think this video captures it all: