Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Feel Good!

This morning I woke up to feeling fear and anxiety about my choices in life. So, I popped my video of The Secret into my DVD player and watched it while having coffee. The message that struck me today was, "Feel Good!" Since there are only two types of emotions, either feeling good or bad.

Well, I'd like to share the following video with you if you ever need a boost. I saw someone perform this tapping method once, but haven't really given it a shot myself.

There's nothing wrong with trying new methods of feeling good!!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I would like to say that the eft video was quite entertaining, but I would not follow his instructions there is a much more effective way of doing eft I know I have done it with great results, it has totally changed some very negative emotions that I acquired along my way in this world. but thank you for entertaining me I found him quite funny.